Thursday, November 19, 2009

Still in the works.

Putting together people and ideas to play is difficult. So far, I have a couple of Ideas and I hope to have the people to do it with.. So far there are two people that are good with it. .. But I don't want it to be just me and them two. I need maybe two more or one more.. It's difficult but hey.

I have finally decided it shall be hunters.. But I am reading for vampire masquerade... why? well I have to know about vamps (even though I do a lot more than most when it comes to this).

Ugh.. in other words I know it's going to be at Selene's :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Alright. . I need my fix.

I have noticed... I am a very picky person when it comes to strangers, I can't just go into a group. I am very shy. It takes a very long time for me to speak to people like that.

So I am trying to make a group with my ladies. Which is both great and sucks at the same time. I am new to dming, they are new to playing. Since they are new to playing, they won't be able to (g/d)m anytime soon. I will be left with having to dm for a long while.

BUt that is okay... Why? Cause I HAVEN'T PLAYED IN SUCH A LONG WHILE>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I told you I was addicted.. I am suffering withdrawals.. it is much like heroin, except I can live an exceedingly long life and I won't kill anyone for my addiction. . . maybe... Just kidding but seriously.. I want to RP SOOO BAD.

I will be (G/D)M as soon as I am ready... ugh.. for now just enjoy my other blogs.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behavior to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role. While the Oxford English Dictionary defines roleplaying as "the changing of one's behavior to fulfill a social role", the term is used more loosely in three senses:
To refer to the playing of roles generally such as in a theater
, or educational setting;
To refer to a wide range of games including computer role-playing games, play-by-mail games and more;
To refer specifically to role-playing games

Now that we know the definition, there is no need to be afraid. I am a theatre major( and double majoring it with eng. education and lit. major), as well as an avid role player. I would love to audio record it and share with you guys.


(I might include some online roleplays I'm in.)